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2024 Holy Week schedule at First Parish

Holy Week is right around the corner, and we’ve got a number of ways you can connect with your faith at First Parish in this season!

On Palm Sunday, we’ll congregate in the Gathering Hall for our palm procession to open worship.  Pick up a palm on your way into the church and then for those that wish to process, we’ll sing together as we move to join those that wish to stay in the sanctuary.

On Maundy Thursday, we’ll have two connected services.  At 6:30 p.m., we’ll have worship with a simple soup meal in the Gathering Hall that will include a time of reflection and remembrance of baptism.  At 7:30 p.m., we’ll move to the sanctuary and experience Jesus’ journey from the table to the cross in our Tenebrae service that will include communion.  Come for one or both of these worship services.

This year, we’re adding a worship opportunity on Good Friday in collaboration with the First Congregational Church of Norwood.  Join us in Norwood at 100 Winter St. at noon for a contemplative worship service centered on Peter’s experience of Jesus’ last day.

On Easter Sunday, we’ll have our Easter celebration in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m.  In addition to special music and communion in worship, we’ll have an expanded coffee hour brunch while our youth enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt outside.

We hope to see you at one or all of these touchtone moments in this deeply spiritual season!

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